Case study: public LED screen in cityscape

As time passes, the more digital advertisement spaces emerge in the cityscape. That is no surprise thanks to digital spaces becoming a reality and not maintaining the status of future utopia. It is clear that the digital screens suprass with advantages over the printed advertisements. Displayed content can be managed in real time online making it possible to present the newest information in the matter of moments. Additonally, there are no restrictions to content – it is possible to display as many different materials as desired.
However, it should be noted that digital advertising spaces tend to be in big cities, where is a larger potential target audience for the content. Companies that own or manage advertising spaces have little incentive to expand their range of spaces to smaller locations where is nevertheless a need for advertising spaces. This is why several local municipalities have reached out to us, in search for better information carriers and advertising opportunities to offer to local entrepreneurs and organizers. Today, the municipalities of Rapla and Põltsamaa have made their dreams come true, as they have acquired personal LED screens for their municipalities. We talked with them a little bit about how a need for the digitalisation arose and how their choices and decisions came about.

Why did you decide to purchase a LED screen?
Rapla: The decision to invest in a digital advertisement space came from the tiresome experience of distributing paper posters. Drive around, distribute them and later pick them up. When the municipality of Rapla installed new bus stops and banned ad posting on them (which is also correct), it was the only viable option to acquire digital screens. Moreover, the screen is simple, visible and a good way to share your information and events. In 2019, we also opened a new cinema in Rapla, and it was not feasible to advertise films on paper. Traditional stands of suitable size are not available as well.
Põltsamaa: The idea to acquire a screen came from a meeting with entrepreneurs who wanted to introduce their activities to more potential customers. We initially dreamed of a digital screen near the Tallinn-Tartu highway, but in the city the efficiency of the screen is still significantly higher – in the city the information reaches the target group more efficiently. Besides the highway we could let many passers-by know what we are doing, but there are probably fewer potential customers. We believe that someday the initial dream will come true, and drivers will also learn more about activities in the area.

During the pre-purchase phase, the needs and possibilities regarding where to install the screen, how large screen to choose and how to ensure the power availability were discussed. Ledzep helped to ask all the necessary questions as our previous experience helps to avoid major mistakes. Usually, a visit to a potential location is also part of the consultation in order to jointly assess the plan and make changes to the plan if necessary.
In case of both customers, the purchase of the screen was preceded by a test period, during which the potential location and screen size were tested using a mobile LED trailer. Thanks to the test period, some nuances were revealed, which at first were not expected. While the location, the layout, the size of the screen and the availability of electricity are usually thought about by any client, then during the test period Põltsamaa’s team also analysed what are the moving patterns of people in the town and how the new screen would affect road safety. For Rapla, testing different advertising materials on the big screen was also a valuable lesson as they were able to better understand what type and size of content is reasonable to display on the screen.
Rapla’s large-scale LED screen was installed already in 2020 and other smaller screens even before that. Põltsamaa received its own screen just a few weeks ago, but representatives of both municipalities admit that the screen has been well received by the community. If Rapla only uses the screen to distribute information about the municipality due to the abundance of information, then Põltsamaa also rents the screen as an advertising space for entrepreneurs. Advertising times are booked in advance, and several companies are already using the screen for the second or third time as part of their advertising campaigns. Positively, both municipalities admit that the screen has found more use than just displaying ads. For example, in Põltsamaa, one local resident has received virtual birthday greetings via this new screen. Rapla has shown on the screen the broadcast of the Rapla Rally, the President’s New Year’s Eve speech, and the exhibitions of Rapla’s Christmas Land – to quote Rapla’s respresentative This is not only a display for advertisements, but also plays the role as an information board at events.
However, if you are afraid to adopt new technology due to its complexity and the lack of knowledge of the programs, there is not need to worry. The representatives of both Rapla and Põltsamaa confirm that the systems are simple and logical, and it is necessary to become familiar with only one program in order to manage the content on the screens. Ledzep provides technical support for hardware and software in theory and practice. There are instructions for the software and if necessary, we also arrange a demo and training. The maintenance and repair of the hardware is provided by our professional team and, of course, our products have a warranty, which can also be extended if desired.
If you are thinking of purchasing a new screen, but don’t know exactly where to start, contact us. Together we will go through all the steps on how to purchase the screen and advise on all the details related to the purchase process.